NOM (Ch Nm)
Thuan D. Luc
The nom is a transcription system of Vietnamese words with the help of Chinese characters, simples or combined between themselves, to note the sound of a Vietnamese word or the combined meaning and sound of a Vietnamese word. The most ancient texts of Vietnamese language have been transmitted to us in nom. It was only from the 17th century that the transcription in latin characters, known under the name of quoc ngu was utilized, and in a greater part, by missionaries. One had to wait until the 20th century to assist to the blooming of transcriptions in quoc ngu of ancient texts nom as well as the creation of new works. Thus the literature in nom and in quoc ngu constitutes two expressions of a same literature, the literature in Vietnamese popular language.
Khu An > n
M Cam > Cm
Du > Du
figure 1
figure 2
figure 3